
Quick hits fro mthe world of WordPress, the open source software that powers this blog:

I didn’t win the WordPress 1.5 Theme Competition. Oh well, at least I still have my pride.

Waxy.org uncovers some shady, spam-like activities afoot on the WordPress site.

He updated the story today and we have an official statement from lead developer, Matt Mullenweg.

Slashdot and Threadwatch even got into the game.

My two cents: It was a shady tactic to exploit the high page rank for some Google AdSense cash, but it is free software that needs funding – really good software at that – so I’m somewhat foregiving.

I’m glad it’s gone now, but I don’t fault him too much for doing it in the first place.

I’m late to the discussion, but only because I see it as a triumph of the community, the great WordPress community, to affect change. They got it right, Matt changed his ways, and we can move on.

BLATANT PLUG: Despite all this brouhaha, WordPress is awesome blogging software. Simple, easy, extensible, customizable. I left Movable Type for WordPress. I would reccommend it, highly, to everyone.


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