Lost: Make Your Own Kind of Music

Lyrics to Make Your Own Kind of Music, the Cass Elliot (Mama Cass) song playing on vinyl inside the hatch on Lost “Man of Science, Man of Faith.”

Nobody can tell ya
There’s only one song worth singing
They may try and sell ya
Cause it hangs them up to see someone like you

But you’ve gotta make your own kind ofmusi
Sing your own special song
Make your own kind of music
Even if nobody else sings along

You’re gonna be nowhere
The loneliest kind of lonely
It may be rough going
Just to do your thing’s the hardest thing to do

But you’ve gotta make your own kind of music
Sing your own special song
Make your own kind of music
Even if nobody else sings along

So if you cannot take my hand
And if you must be going
I will understand

You’ve gotta make your own kind of music
Sing your own special song
Make your own kind of music
Even if nobody else sings along

You’ve gotta make your own kind of music
Sing your own special song
Make your own kind of music

I think the song is a coded message to viewers that, despite the bunk beds, the man in the hatch (Desmond?) is alone and has been alone for some time. Thoughts?

Also, Jenn noticed (good eyes) that the sequence typed into the computer in the opening scene is none other than those magic numbers – 4 8 15 16 23 42. The numbers also appear on the drug vial in the hatch and on the makeshift mural.

Lastly, both Desmonds, the one in the flashback and the one in the hatch, are wearing outfits that prominently feature geometric shapes over their left breast. Desmond in the flashback is wearing a shirt with a Pentagon and his hatch twin (him? Doppleganger?) is wearing a jumpsuit with an octogan (8) which is one of the “magic” numbers.

2 thoughts on “Lost: Make Your Own Kind of Music

  1. Lost: Adrift

    So tonight’s Lost episode, Adrift, was just that. Busy, meandering, with lots of threads of many storylines. Not necessarily a bad thing, but it did require some TiVo rewinding.
    My key takeaways/questions:

    The man in the hatch is Desmond, …

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