Technorati/Edelman Blogger PR Survey

I completed the Technorati/Edelman Blogger PR Survey last night. Below are my answers to the essay questions:

1) What can companies/organizations and their PR representatives do to better communicate with you?

Address me as an individual – write me personally to discuss things.

Know my blog and what I actively and often write about.

Let me know what’s in it for me, and don’t just expect me to give you good or free exposure just because you’ve deigned to talk to me.

2) What are some of your current frustrations with companies interacting with the blogosphere?

They don’t address bloggers as people, individually.

3) How would you like to be approached by companies interested in reaching your audience?

As though I was an individual who ran a fanclub or wrote a fanzine.

Please take the survey and help shape the way in which PR professionals and marketers engage the blogosphere.

[Via Sifry’s Alerts]

One thought on “Technorati/Edelman Blogger PR Survey

  1. Edelman/Technorati Blog Study Findings

    Edelman/Technorati Blog Study Findings are linked below.
    My one point of commentary is that I find it disturbing that only 820 of my fellow bloggers took this survey. What gives guys (and gals)? The whole thing was fairly painless and anonymous, so…

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