Four More Years

In all the excitement and family togetherness of Raelyn’s birthday weekend, I forgot to mention that my blog turned 4 years old on Saturday. I missed my own blogiversary!

Hard to believe that on April 29, 2002 – using Grey Matter to start – I posted my first official blog entry. In the intervening time I’ve used Movable Type and now WordPress (which I love and would never leave).

Prior to that time, I’d been running a static website at Mostly Muppet Dot Com for the purposes of putting my poetry/lyrics online for a collaborator in a nascent (and never fully realized) band.

I also had some geeky stuff about roleplaying games, a goofier bio and a few other items I’ve blocked out. Check the Wayback Machine if you’re truly interested.

In any event, I don’t know that I’ve particularly learned anything, nor has blogging changed my life but I have documented some really cool events – like the birth of my daughter and my new job – and met some cool people as a result of my blogging.

So here’s to four more years of shitty writing, bad puns, Lost recaps, APWBWGTTD and general nonsense.

Mostly Muppet Dot Com

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