
It’s Friday, so I’m blogging lighter fare today: Beer.

Actually, beer is quite near and dear to my heart and it certainly isn’t always “light” (guh!) but it’s one of the more fun post topics, so here goes.

  1. Guinness
  2. I had two pints last night at a top-secret enclave of Atlanta blogging masterminds.

    Yes, we discussed commodes and brassieres, so what? That’s perfectly acceptable brew talk.

  3. Beerfest!
  4. The latest movie from those Broken Lizard dudes who made Super Troopers.

    It should be crass, classless fun.

  5. Samuel Adams LongShot
  6. Make your own homebrew for judging by Jim Koch and Samuel Adams.

    If you’re lucky enough, Sam Adams will distribute your beer!

Now that I’ve whet your whistle, shove off from work early to quaff a few pints.

I won’t tell anyone.

5 thoughts on “Beerfest!

  1. Saint says:

    Lol. Nice SArm. So. . . . tell me more about this secret meeting of bloggers. Was it fun and did they have Guitar Hero?

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