Happy Birthday Jenn

Today’s is my wife Jenn’s 30th birthday! Yay!

She got a bouquet of flowers, ballons and candies this morning and we were planning a nice dinner at Bluepointe this evening but since Jenn can’t eat sushi (because of the pregnancy) she opted for more adventure: Athens!

We’re leaving work early to jaunt East to see the No. 2 Gym Dogs take on No. 4 Utah in women’s gymnastics. Fun!

Since we met at UGA, Athens holds a special place in both our hearts. We went there for my 30th birthday (Homecoming weekend) and we’re going back to see our favorite sport. I can’t tell you how many meets we saw in the 4 years we were there for undergrad. Dozens.

Anyhow, I’ll leave you with a photo of her gift to me (lucky, right?), our unborn son, Stinkbottom McGee:


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