Digital Bits

We’re still two weeks away from new Lost episodes, but I do have Lost news!

First, the producers are in talks to add an additional hour this season (to make 14 in all, 6 total for the back portion). No word if it’ll be a stand-alone episode or just a longer finale. 🙂 Also, one of their fold (a producer) is leaving. 🙁

Of course, I could just spoil the end of the entire series for you. Go ahead, it’s not a Rick-Roll, but it’s mildly amusing.

Here’s some stuff that’s not but worth mentioning here:

That’s all I’ve got for this Thursday.

Wish me luck on the weigh-in.

2 thoughts on “Digital Bits

  1. Woah. In my pre-coffee sleep-rss-reading, I somehow read the TV Squad article about another hour of Lost as being news about _next_ season. Another hour _this_ season is even better news! Woot! Yay!

    And o hai!

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