Flickr Donuts

So yesterday morning I got Bump’s tweet that he was eating an apple fritter in protest of the absence of Flickr Donuts in Atlanta. Not knowing what Flickr Donuts were, I did some research. Here’s the relevant discussion and here’s the agent provocateur. More, more, more, more.

I’m kinda bummed now for a variety of reasons, which I’ll enumerate:

  1. I too am saddened that Atlantans didnt’ self-organize a Donut Day. We even have Krispy Kreme.
  2. I found out too late to sign the petition and I think starting my own “flickr gimme/demand” group would be seen as derivative.
  3. I’m eating better now (14.9% body fat! per the hydrostatic weigh-in) so donuts are out of my normal diet, but …
  4. I still get a donut (custard-filled eclair/long john) every time I go to Publix solo. Even last night when my sole reason for going was to pick up ice cream. I’m a sad, sad monster.

I was also just struck today by the fact that two other Atlanta blogs had the donut bug, Brody & Ben. And in the process of bandwagon-jumping (I’m a pro. What blogger isn’t?) I realized my Pro Flickr account expires in 4 days.

Should I re-up? I’m energized this week, but Jenn gets the lion’s share of the pics since they have the kiddies and my account is for more general asshattery.

What to do?

Eat a donut!