More walking news

Last night: 2.4 miles on the trail.
We went walking after a mysterious “pop-up thunderstorm” had blown
through. Of course, no one was on the trail. They were all probably
stuck at one of Atlanta’s many flashing yellow lights – people here
treat them like four-way stops and it makes me nuts. The only upside
was the lack of traffic on the trail; we let Lucy run and she loved it.
Another perk of the bad weather was that Jenn had already made dinner
when I got home. She was worried we’d lose power, so the house was full
of the aroma of teriyaki chicken and burning candles. She was rightly
concerned about us losing power and so had lit every candle she could
Her fears were well-founded. We briefly lost power twice while eating,
but the real bummer is that we lost cable. That’s right cable. Thank
god for TiVo.
We watched some saved shows and listened to the Braves on the radio,
but it really sucked to have no live TV or Cable internet access the
entire night. Stupid cable was still out this morning when I left for
work. I’ve called twice and have been assured that everything will be
copacetic by this evening. We’ll see.

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