Friday the 13th

If things look weird to you today, do not attempt to adjust your monitor. I control the vertical and the horizontal (with apologies to Outer Limits).

I decided that since I had switched to a new host, Cornerhost, and am using a new domain registrar, GoDaddy, I might as well tinker with the site layout. Since Movable Type comes pre-configured with a nice set of CSS templates, I altered some fonts and a few colors and you have the new (improved?) Mostly Muppet Dot Com.

As you’ll notice, I have a lot more options for reading older posts (Monthly archives, that calendar thingy and search – all to the right of the page). I am also standards-compliant with both CSS and XHTML 1.0. Additionally, I now offer three, count ’em three ways to syndicate my content.

Overall, I’m very pleased with the new site. I’ve still got some minor tweaks to enact, but the current “big change” should be enough for one Friday the 13th.

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