Buzz of Christmas Delight

Buzz of Delight was a mid-80s Athens band whose most impressive bandmember was a young Matthew Sweet. During Steve’s show on 99x this afternoon, wedged somewhere in between cuts by The Refreshments, was their delightful track, Christmas. The song is pure 80’s new wave, complete with jangly guitars and incoherent singing, vaguely reminiscent of Britpop.

I loved every second.

Apparently the track appears on To Understand: The Early Recordings of Matthew Sweet, the lone album I don’t own, but will own once I’m flush with holiday cash. The album also contains a rare gem of a collaboration between Sweet and Michael Stipe of REM. Gentlemen, start your credit cards.

I’m just so happy that I heard the song, a Christmas Matthew Sweet song; it made my day.

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