King Kong Trailer

Peter Jackson is trying to out-do himself with King Kong and he just might succeed. The new teaser trailer is fantastic.

Jack Black as the director with the map of an uncharted island.
Naomi Watts as the damsel in distress.
Adrien Brody as the hero.
And Andy Serkis, Gollum, as King Kong.

The effects seem spot on, recapturing that excitement and fun of the old Ray Harryhausen stop motion. This looks the film to see this Christmas. Fingers crossed that the movie is as good as the trailer.

One thought on “King Kong Trailer

  1. Mr Shifter says:

    Trailer looks astoundingly spiffy i grant you [stop]
    But there is no reason for another freckin remake [stop]
    [stop] [stop][stop]

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