Stay away from Chick-fil-A

Okay, so the headline is a bit ominous, but I’m a bit upset. Jenn and I had a quick, drive-through breakfast this morning and the experience was not what I had expected. Rather than take advantage of a free chicken biscuit (coupon), Jenn opted for a Bacon, Egg & Cheese biscuit and I really went out on a limb: the Chicken Breakfast Burrito.

Normally this would be right up my alley, but leave it to the inoffensive, bland, Christian folks at Chick-fil-A to produce the world’s most tasteless breakfast burrito. The tortilla, eggs and, yes, even the chicken all tasted like warm, wet cardboard. Seriously. Not even the insipid Jalapeno Salsa could save this thing. I’ve tasted hotter Tomato soups.

In the end, I was left full but not satisfied. The Chicken Breakfast Burrito is enough “food” but not enough taste to keep me coming back for more. I think I’ll stick with the classics: Chicken biscuits, Chick-fil-A sandwiches and the occassional Hot Brown if we’re at a Dwarf House.

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