Search Me

Two new search technologies, or really just new sites, popped up in the past week. One is a new entry, the other is a new feature from a large player.

1) Google Blog Search.
Just like the name says, it’s a blog search from the industry leader. Works well, but my blog is so diverse (and so vastly different from my domain name) that I get better indexing (not faster, but more targetted) from Technorati.

2) Loomia.
Loomia is a vlogging, podcasting search engine that’s just getting started. I don’t do much of this kind of content, but I digest some now and again. Nate’s Bicycle Sidewalk is nowhere to be seen, however. Bummer.

Google wins this round, but only slightly. I like the Loomia interface, but the index needs to get broader and better. Maybe if I get that invite to Flock, I can comment on it’s ability to find fun, new blog/vlog/podcast/link content. Any help guys?

UPDATE: You can find Nathan’s vlog on Loomia.

UPDATE II: Can’t find something on Google? Try Yahoo! Instant Search Beta.

UPDATE III: I’m getting traffic to this blog via the Blogger Blog Search Beta. Check it out.

One thought on “Search Me

  1. Seth, thanks for the comment and the post!
    Actually I just checked the loomia site and I found my stuff! Did a search for Bicycle Sidewalk and bicycle-sidewalk and won the lottery on both rolls…

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