APWBWGTTD April 2006 Meetup

Wow. Just wow.

I live and work in a great city (Atlanta) and it’s just incredible that such a diverse group of idiots cool people get together once a month to celebrate our collective coolness.

Well, some of us are cooler than others. I’m certainly not in the same league as TEAM AWESOME! [Bobafred & Duane] but I aspire. I strive.

I took pictures, but everyone else did as well [Mark, Maigh, Dave, Bobafred]. Blog posts, too: [Mark, Maigh, Dave]

APWBWGTTD April 2006

If you blog the event or upload your pictures later on, just ping/trackback me and I’ll add you to the list.

I had a great time and I think we actually got some consensus about moving ATLBloggers.net forward. Plus, I got to meet a few folks in person [Neon Poisoning, Hollismb, Donkey] whom I hadn’t before.

Next month at the Highlander?

Viva la blog!

8 thoughts on “APWBWGTTD April 2006 Meetup

  1. Yeah, I’m glad I made it, too.

    I’ve got to remember to reply to those evites and put them on my calendar.

    It’s always a game-time decision for me.

  2. Great to see you out last night Seth; and thanks for letting me grab your boob.

    I vote for changing places; as long as they are cool. We have been to some crappy ones (Trader Vic’s), but they were only crappy because they were way too expensive!

  3. As I say, if we are rotating places, places that are easily accessable for us non-drivers would be preferential… Thats the reason I didn’t go last night, I didn’t fancy the mile+ walk to and from the nearest marta station

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