Summer Saturday Sandwich

I’m two days late in reporting my “more important than sliced bread” entry on the best Summer Saturday sandwich ever, but I’ve been loafing on the weekend posts of late.

For those of you keeping score at home, that’s two bread/sandwich jokes already, btw.

So this past Saturday I created a sandwich so tasty and perfect, I had to write about it here. Now I’m no Dagwood or Garfield – they do their best work in the Sunday papers. No, this was a sandwich for a humid, muggy, oppressive Summer Saturday.

Here’s the recipe, should you want to attain sandwich nirvana with me:

2 slices of King’s Sweet Hawaiian bread (cut from the circular loaf)
2 slices of German Balogna
1 slice of Pepper Jack cheese
1 part Gulden’s Spicy Brown mustard
1 part Philadelphia Chive & Onion cream cheese
A few leaves of spinach

Ok, so the ingredients are like some kind of demented homage to World Cup participating countries, but it had the right amount of sweet and refreshing for a hot, humid Summer day.


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