Friday Linkblogging

Until I figure out a more elegant solution (I know, idle threat) here is a brief linkblog post beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish, and the tyranny of evil men.

  • New ABC Video: LOST fan theories
  • ABC & LOST don’t solicit fan theories, they actively go to Comic-con and record them for posterity.

    Not exactly UGC, but it shows an appreciation of fans and a willingness to help them geek out and enjoy the show more directly.


  • Surviving Sudoku
  • Fear and Loathing on the Crossword Puzzle circuit?

  • Web 2.0: The 24 Minute Documentary
  • Pretty much just like it sounds.

    Dozens of answers to the $24k question: What is Web 2.0?

  • Cropcircles
  • Pretty pictures and fabulous designs for your enjoyment.

Happy Friday!

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