Blog Day 2006

Just like last year, today is Blog Day 2006.

Actually, last year was Blog Day 2005, but you get the picture.

3108 This!

This year’s linklove:

  1. Comics Worth Reading
  2. Johanna rocks and she’s using my WordPress theme, so she gets a link.

  3. Blog@Newsarama
  4. Smarter and faster-moving than their main site counterparts. I don’t even look at the regular site or message boards anymore – the blog is much more interesting.

  5. Stuart Immonen
  6. Artiste extraordinairre of Nextwave.

  7. Warren Ellis
  8. Unparalleled author of Nextwave.

  9. eatitall
  10. The blog of artist Ben Prisk, who also happens to be my neighbor.

    He also has a photoblog and a Squidbillies blog.

There you have it. Only Blog@Newsarama is technically “new” – the others have been around for a while.

Still, if you haven’t read them, they’re new to you.

[Via Candy Addict]

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