Leslie Pool, Grocer/Savant

Of all the stuff I’ve done at work, I’m most proud of our upcoming show 10 Items or Less which stars John Lehr as Leslie Pool.

You can check out his awe-inspiring MySpace profile or the website of his family-owned and operated grocery store, Greens & Grains for more background on the tone of the show.

From the minds that brought you Memron and the star of those Geico caveman ads (He’s the hairy one), 10 Items or Less is all about Leslie Pool, a lovably bumbling grocer who takes over the family business after his father’s death.

It premieres the Monday after Thanksgiving (Monday, Nov. 27) at 11pm right after an hour of Family Guy on TBS.

So, here’s an ad for the store. The ad is every bit as funny as the show.

Green & Grains Interns

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If you’re a fan of The Office, Arrested Development or Reno 911 you’re really gonna LOVE this show!

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