Owen Kenneth Miller

On Tuesday, July 3, 2007 at 4:59 PM Jenn and I welcomed a son into the world:

Owen Kenneth Miller
July 3, 2007 at 4:59 PM
6 pounds, 13 ounces
20 inches long

Mom, Owen, Big Sister Raelyn and myself are all resting comfortably at home now. We came back from the hospital yesterday to our first hectic, sleepless night as a family of four and I couldn’t be any happier to be a busy, tired Dad.

Since this is the first spare moment I’ve had I’m linking away to three videos my mother-in-law took shortly after Owen was born.


I’ve also got a small Flickr set (friends and family on Flickr only – if you can’t see them, let me know) of pictures my mother-in-law took. I’ll try and add to it tonight with our own photos.

For now, though, we’re happy that everyone is healthy and safe here on this side and we look forward to seeing you all again very soon.

Leave a well-wish or a happy comment. It’d make our day.

13 thoughts on “Owen Kenneth Miller

  1. Congratumalations!

    Though in future years he might be pissed he was soooooo close to getting his birthday off every year, speaking as someone who gets labor day on his birthday every few years, it’s awesome 😛

    but I digress, once again congratulations to you and yours

  2. RB says:

    Congrats to all of you! Moving from one to two kids is a lot of work at first, but it turns into a lot of fun down the road. Welcome to the world Owen, and try to get some rest Mom and Dad!

  3. Congratulations, guys, and welcome to the world, Owen. It’s not such a bad place to live, after all.

    We’re excited to see Raelyn’s new little bro!

  4. A very happy birthday to you, Owen!! Congratulations, guys. We’re so happy for you and I look forward to meeting the little guy (and fulfilling my baby fix!) 🙂

  5. aj says:

    holy crap another Miller boy!!!
    much belated congratulations on this news, and a thousand apologies for not being aware sooner. i really should get on this infernal internet device more regularly. congrats! congrats! congrats! SLAINTE!!!! xo

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