Baker’s Seven

Yeah, Eighth Anniversary just doesn’t have the same ring as “Lucky Number Seven” did a year ago, so I got creative.

Technically, this is our Bronze or Lace anniversary, but with a 6-week-old [Owen] at home and a daughter [Raelyn] in Pre-K (she started yesterday and I meant to post, but the cable was out) who has time for gifts?

So what can I say about Jennifer, the woman I married 8 years ago today and whom I share my life, my home and my children?

Well, in the past year we:

  • Bought and Sold a home
  • Had another kid (Yay, Owen Kenneth!)
  • Went to Hawaii
  • Each celebrated our 30th birthday

That’s a big year! A huge year, actually.

Anyhow, to Jenn: Thanks for joining me on this wild ride. I wouldn’t want to be screaming and crying and laughing on anyone else’s rollercoaster.

Ooh, and here’s some Guster for ya. (We saw them at The Tabernacle a few weeks back, but I’m so busy working I didn’t blog or flickr it. Damn me!)

Happy Anniversary!

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