High Anxiety

Because the first rule of blogging in 2016 is referencing the fact that you should blog more, I’ll admit that this post moved me to action.

Consider this sentence my mea culpa.

The first link I’d like to blog about is the wonderful essay entitled “Enjoli” on Medium. I’m not sure that I can speak in the voice of nor in support of the issues raised or the solutions presented, but it made me think of what it must be like to live that life. It also made me think of the demands put on my wife and how I could/should be working harder. I’m trying.

The second link I want to mention is “Putting Away Childish Things” on INC. It’s a whale of a post about “adulting” and the fierce urgency of now (and not just a trite tweet about “now” instead).

I’m not sure I’m brave enough to tackle what the author suggests, but I do know my safe place is snark, so getting serious starts at home.

All of which is to say that I’ve been thinking a lot lately. Some of it good, some of it bad, but I’ve been thinking.

I think that maybe all this thinking is the root of some of my nameless, faceless anxiety and I should act instead of think more often. It usually makes me feel better.

As a bonus my running this week has made a huge difference. The doldrums of July and early August might be pointing the way towards a fruitful Fall.

Until next time.

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