I’m a TiVo

Forget Mac or PC; that holy war is over. I own and work on Windows but I own an iPhone and an iPod. I straddle the fence; use both architectures; haven’t made up my mind.

But television, that’s a whole ‘nother story.

I’m a TiVo. Always (since Christmas 2001) have been. Always will be.

My in-laws have been loyal Dish Network folks longer than that, but the Dish PVR is pathetic: frustrating, clunky and like an old version of DOS compared to TiVo.

My folks have the HD DVR that comes from their local cable/telco provider, but it looks like a tinkertoy and has the graphics/interface to match.

Me? I’ve got TiVo.

I’ve owned 5 TiVo’s over the past 7 plus years, from a lowly Series 1 that was refurbished twice to a set of Series 2’s and now a set of TiVo HD’s, one of which is outfitted with an additional external

My love for TiVo is so stupid that I even had them send me one of those free TiVo cookie cutters, despite the fact that neither Jenn or I bake. Ever.

It came in the mail a few weeks back:

TiVo Cookie Cutter

I’m enough of a TiVo Fanboy that I threw my name into the ring for Dave Zatz’s TiVo giveaway even though I already have a cookie cutter.

Out of obligation and respect, I’m following TiVo on Twitter.

And yes, because I can hear you asking it to yourselves (and me), this is basically a suck-up post to TiVo to send me something – anything – for free.

I’m no Matt Haughey but I deserve something, right?

Next steps: a TiVo (temporary) tattoo and maybe some shots of TiVo stickers & clings that live in my office, car and home.

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