Beer bottling

Last night I had a weird experience priming my beer.
reccomends boiling 1/3 cup of water and adding the sugar to the water
before mixing into the beer. I boiled the water, then took it off the
heat to add the sugar. Problem was, the mixture wasn’t saturated well
so I set it back on the burner while I took the lid off the fermenter.
When I returned the mixture was boiling and completely clear! I was on
my way to making caramel!
At this point I had no more priming sugar, so I let the boiling subside
and added it to the fermenter. I went about my business filling the
bottles and capping them and noticed that the beer in the fermenter had
very tiny bubbles (head of a pin size) coming to the surface, so I
think all should be well, but you never know. Jennifer and I thought
that, if anything, the beer might be a little flat and might have some
caramel flavor/color characteristics. We’ll know more in two weeks.

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