Late Wait

It’s past 1:30 in the morning and I’m still up.

This always happens to me when Jenn & I are apart. I stay up late waiting for her call, filling my time with mostly useless tasks.

Tonight I tried redesigning the entire blog. Not too successful, but it whiled away the hours.

Rae was great tonight. Only one major flare up right around bedtime after the bath. She didn’t want to stop snuggling with Daddy. Poor kid. She recovered quickly, though, and gave me a huge hug before going to sleep.

This routine thing is what kept things together tonight.

Arrive home.
Feed animals.
Feed people.
Play time.
Bath time.
Snuggle time.
Bed time.

It worked like a dream and Raelyn only mentioned Mommy 3 times and none of those were during the two phone calls with Mommy. Go figure.

I’m gonna sign off for now in the vain hope that the moment my head hits the pillow, the phone will ring. I think that’s the old “watched pot” rule.

I love my Raelyn and I love my Jenn. I want us all back together ASAP. This single dad stuff, no matter how smoothly it runs, pales in comparison to what we have each and every day.

Absence felt. Heart growing fonder. (k)

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