Captain America is Dead

And I don’t feel so good myself (with apologies to Lewis Grizzard).

In honor of Cap’s passing – at age 66 or 89, depending on whether you count the age he was “created” or his fictional age in print – I wore my spiffy Captain America t-shirt the other day.

I got it cheap ($12.99) at Target right after Christmas. The self portrait is a bit wonky, but it reads:

He’s The People’s Choice
Captain America For President

Solidarity for Captain America

I’m not an avid reader of the Captain America title, though I followed Civil War which eventually led to his untimely demise.

See here for the best anti-speculator tactic available: asking folks what happened in the previous issue. I wouldn’t have gotten a copy by that standard, but I subscribe to about 20 titles so I held out hope they’d reserve one for me, which they didn’t, natch.

I used to read the book back in the late 80’s/early 90’s during all The Captain/U.S. Agent hoopla. Seems to me that after the events of Civil War, the best thing for the country (in the Marvel Universe), the character and the symbol would be for Cap to just step down and go into quiet introspection/reflection mode.

Just my two cents.


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