Laboring against Hercules

“A small daily task, if it be really daily, will beat the labours of a spasmodic Hercules.” – Anthony Trollope

Since it’s February 1st (Rabbit rabbit) I figured I can update everyone on the progress I’m making using Day One and Everyday

I didn’t miss a single day writing in the journal and I only forgot to take a selfie 3 times during January. Given my previous performance completing either of these types of tasks in the past, this is a huge win.

My hope is that I’ll have a cool montage (in the case of Everyday) and a wealth of memories and self-knowledge (via Day One), such that each of the small steps I took each day will turn in to a marathon when I’m finished.

I also recorded my second-highest mileage total, running about 90 miles, but it wasn’t nearly daily. It’s the busy time for me at work, so I’m not too concerned about the routine as much as I am the miles, which were high & rewarding.

Maybe through all of this I find some more time to meditate – a habit where my longest streak is about 15 days – to add to my growth potential.

What it is really teaching me is how much time I actually waste that I could be using to contribute something for myself and others. A modicum of effort for a return only time can reap? Compound interest truly is an amazing thing.

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