
Jenn and I were a little bit late to the hummingbird game. We’ve had a feeder in the garage practically since we moved into the house in May, 2007 but we didn’t put/fill it up until the very end of Summer this year.

The first attempt was literally a mess.

We didn’t boil the water/sugar mixture.
We nearly lost several tiny, key components to the feeder (stopper, hook).
We (I) spilled some of the “nectar”.

All in all, not a fruitful first effort.

But over the last six weeks or so as the “season” for ruby-throated hummingbirds is waning and they all prepare for the long, southerly flight to warmer weather, we’ve had multiple visitors every day.

They seem to be most prominent early in the morning or late in the afternoon.
They always hang out in our weeping cherry tree before and after feeding.
They are extremely territorial, dive-bombing one another and any bug or bird that attempts to crowd their space.

Hummingbird chilling

Here’s my favorite photo of one grabbing a meal from a flower on a neighboring bush near our feeder:

Hummingbird Feeding

I was very inspired to snap some of my shots based on this Petapixel post. And while I didn’t go to the trouble of spending a weekend day parked in front of the feeder, I think the shots above show off the calm and busy states of the hummingbird perfectly.

I’ve also been inspired by the recent photography and sketches of Ben Prisk. Seems he’s had hummingbirds on the brain too.

And since I’m linking willy-nilly to any and all things hummingbird-related here’s Wilco’s “Hummingbird” an excellent track from “A Ghost is Born”:

The beginning of the above song make me think of the opening of Guster’s “Manifest Destiny”. Guster, you may or may not know, had and album, “Keep it Together”, whose art featured – you guessed it – a hummingbird.

I’m going to stop now before I hurt myself (or you).

If you’re curious to see some of my other backyard photography, have a look!

Happy Sunday Hummingbirding!

Weekend Recap

Since Jenn’s purse was stolen, I don’t have a credit card with which to renew my Flickr Pro account. For this reason, all the weekend recapping photos are brought to you by TwitPic.

I started the weekend out right, having a Terrapin 30 Strong at Taco Mac Austell on Friday, the day it was launched. Brilliant.

I followed this up with a Victory Hop Devil. Equally enjoyable.

We spent the entire day on Saturday at Zoo Atlanta – and I have a ton of great pictures to share – but the view of our clan relaxing with our afternoon refreshment is one of the best.

Started Sunday – Mother’s Day – with my awesome wife, the mother of our 2 great kids, at J. Cristopher’s for brunch. Good food but great company.

Ended the day on our back porch drinking a few beers together, amomng them a shared bottle of Terrapin Side Project Volume 5: Monk’s Revenge.

All in all a fantastic weekend with folk I love dearly and beers I drank heartily.

Our annual Callaway Gardens trip, 2009 edition

The rain and cold weather broke, briefly, for our Saturday trek down to Pine Mountain, GA to see the Spring flowers at Callaway Gardens.

We’ve made this trip with my in-laws every year for the past 6 or 7 years, as evidenced by the flowery photos that always creep onto Flickr around this time.

Enjoy the Flickr slideshow of the set below as well as a brief “music video” from animoto. I’m trying out their software to see if I’d like to pay for full access.

Let me know what you think of the photos and the technology in the comments.

