Straight Outta Memes

Since we’ve all seen (or made) those “Straight Outta Somewhere” meme images promoting the new movie about NWA, Straight Outta Compton, I thought I’d bring your attention to something else.

If you’re in the middle of the Venn Diagram of NWA fans & comic book fans, please enjoy Straight Outta Gotham. A former coworker of Jennifer’s is the creative force behind the whole thing & it’s been amazing to see the response online & on his Facebook feed.

I’m embedding the clean version but if you don’t have kids around (or if you’re in a more relaxed office), here’s the explicit version.

If superhero mashups aren’t your thing, you could always check out The Muppets singing NWA’s “Express Yourself”.

For other Muppet/NWA goodness, check out some other posts:

Happy Thursday!

What’re we fighting for?

Rather than rehash all the blacked-out pages, links to legislation and high-minded, well-meaning commentary, I thought I’d fill the void by blogging about what the SOPA/PIPA link you share says about your approach to the internet.

Yes, I’m doing one of those lists.

Because the internet demands blood & shitty “content” today.

(Isn’t that what we’re all fighting for, after all? The right to use the internet for shit self expression?)

The most baseline form of “support” folks are showing is to link to an animated gif – a comic – from The Oatmeal.

It's the end of the internet as we know (and I feel fine)
It's the end of the internet as we know (and I feel fine)

What this says about you: If you’ve done this, it means you don’t really create any value on the internet. You just share around the same tired meme as everyone else, even if you got their first.

The second popular way to show your opposition to SOPA/PIPA is to link to Google’s two-pronged infographic & online petition.

Google's "Take Action" site
Google's "Take Action" site

What this says about you: All the above still applies, but you’re also willing to substitute filling out a simple form for actually taking meaningful action.

Everyone knows that if Congress actively understood the internet they wouldn’t have dreamed up this bullshit! Right this very second they’re discounting your “virtual signature” as that of an underage, basement-dwelling, non-stop-pirating malcontent.

Oh, but your voice is being heard. YOU SIGNED THE PETITION.

(Ed. note: I did this one)

The last/best approach (in my opinion) is Tumblr’s rolling roadblock. Users read their official statement and can instantly put in their own info to experience the following:

  1. Get a pre-recorded phone call from someone at Tumblr, explaining the laws and what you should say to your Senator
  2. Afterwords be instantly connected to your Senator’s office to lodge your complaint
Tumblr: Save The Internet
Tumblr: Save The Internet

What this says about you: All the above, BUT you were willing to put your own statement on your own blog (much like this one) AND you were willing to pick up the phone, identify yourself as a living, breathing constituent and say your peace.

Nothing motivates the Congress critters like phone calls and my Senator’s office (Sen. Saxby Chambliss of Georgia) admitted they were getting a high volume of calls today in opposition to SOPA/PIPA.

Unless you’re a douchebag, you should probably do this. (I just did it. Still probably a douchebag though.)

Or sign that Google petition.

Or post that Oatmeal cartoon.

Or, at the very least, read some more about why the laws are crap.

Failing that, just enjoy some of the sites that are blacked out and fill your internets with rage.

It is demanded of you for using this thing.

Anyhow, we’re all damned fools for thinking this party wasn’t going to be crashed by the police at some point.

The music is too loud (betcha thought I was gonna say “stolen”).
We didn’t invite the neighbors (mine don’t even know I have this blog and we’re probably NOT Facebook friends)
A few dicks are always going to ruin it for everyone.

Until tomorrow.


I’m going to indulge in my man-crush/obsession with Merlin Mann a little bit by linking to two of his related, prescient bits regarding community and the internet: via Twitter and one of his podcasts, Quotidian Public Radio.

Here’s a shot of Merlin’s wit, for those too lazy to click:

Merlin Mann's takedown of drive-by commentary on the internet. Also: FIRST!
Merlin Mann's takedown of drive-by commentary on the internet. Also: FIRST!

For whatever reason’s Merlin’s rapier wit (and it is sharp, you should follow him on twitter, read his blog or listen/watch his podcasts. Really funny guy) made me draw the following conclusion: Old Spice is stealing its ideas from porn.

You heard me right (technically you didn’t hear me, you read me): Old Spice and its centaur-centric ad campaign is taking its cues from a weird online fetish image manipulation/fanfic community.

I realize the campaign is old (I get that I’m not nearly “first” on this one), but I just saw it again in the paper or a magazine at the gym yesterday so it’s top-of-mind.

I don’t know why I’ve drawn this connection but such is the internet and also, apparently, the darker recesses of my mind.

It’s this kind of internet meme recycling that is simultaneously the lifeblood of the internet, the snipe-hunting goal of most “advertising” and the reason why non-digital-natives hate the online space.

Also, it’s a bit of a simulacrum for real creativity which it seems is actually a very scarce resource.

Anyhow, I’m going to get off my soapbox now. Feel free to be the first to leave a comment, but please don’t confuse me with Andrew Keen, I’m just feeling cranky today.

Just to heap some more praise on Merlin, here’s my SAT comparison:

Alton Brown::Food as Merlin Mann::Internet

He’s that good folks. I’d steal from him any day.

Enjoy your Good Friday and Easter/Passover weekend.


Three Obama-related memes (“Obamemes”) that are clogging up the tubes of the internet(s) recently.

  1. “That One”
  2. I’m voting for ‘That One’ and so are a few other folks. Own the shirt!

    That One 08
    That One 08
  3. Candidate Analogies
  4. My favorites are The Trains, The Phones, The Simpsons & The Superheroes.

    Presidential Phones Comparison
    Presidential Phones Comparison
  5. Shepard Fairey posters
  6. I’m a big fan of Andy Baio’s Star Wars-themed version (own the shirt!). It even got the seal of approval from Lucas.

    A New Hope
    A New Hope

That is all.

Nothing more to see here.