Lager? I hardly knew her!

Disregarding the truly tasteless joke that is this post’s title, I’ve had a really rough week. Lots of work, more management than I care to do, and what seems like an endless stream of deadlines, deliverables and details. In essence, I picked the wrong week to quit drinking.

So what did I do? I upped the ante and increased my alcoholic intake three-fold. Tonight’s libation: Saranac beer.

I’ve been meaning to blog about the lovely assortment of Saranac beers I got for Christmas for some time now. Almost five months! My great in-laws, Marty and Dottie, were kind enough to feed my beer jones and provide with some of upstate New York’s finest potables. Two 12-packs featuring a fine assortment of this regional beer. I’m a lucky guy.

Tonight’s menu:

1) Chocolate Amber – a good, malty lager in the tradition of a Bock or Maibock
2) Mocha Stout – almost like a Milk Stout. Very raisin-y and wine-y
3) Black & Tan – third on the list, but not in my hear. Very drinkable.

That’s about it. I got some good beer in my gullet tonight. And now you know. Knowing, per G.I. Joe, being half the battle.


3 thoughts on “Lager? I hardly knew her!

  1. matt says:

    Just got back from work trip Albany,NY where the Saranac IPA made it a tolerable 2 days.

    Good stuff. I drank lots of it.


  2. Glad you made it back alive. Speaking of beer, we need to get together soon and enjoy some suds. Summer is upon us and nothing says Summer like consuming mass quantities of frosty barley pops.

  3. Being a good customer

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