Phantom Phriday

Jenn and I have been fairly loyal season ticket holders for the Broadway in Atlanta series at the Fox over the last three seasons. It’s fun to get dressed up for a Sunday night show and get some culture. But the last season and a half have been less than stellar, leading us not to purchase tickets for the upcoming season.

The Fox still has some great shows from time to time though. One such show is Phantom of the Opera, which Jenn and I saw on Friday.

Now, with great material, comes great expectations (Sorry, Spidey). I’ve seen the play twice already, the movie once and listened to the music countless times. I was, after all, a band geek in high school and college. Andrew Llyod Webber is almost inescapable in this context. So, for me, you’ve got to do it well for me to sit up and take notice.

Friday’s show was very good. The Phantom especially had terrific command of his voice and the direction he wanted to take the character. Where other Phantoms, notably in the film, have seemed terrifying yet sympathic, this Phantom was completely sociapathic and full of an insatiable bloodlust. With that booming Baritone/Tenor of his, he seemed truly frightening and (for the ladies) intoxicating.

It’s no wonder this show has done so well over the years. If it’s performed well, no other show can come close to the romance, excitement and suspense. I’d see this production again today if I could get tickets.

One thought on “Phantom Phriday

  1. Heather Watson says:

    Hi Seth–your site was extrememly helpful! A friend saw Phantom at the Fox 9/11 and said it was so disappointing he left at intermission. I have tix for the 9/24 show and was crushed to hear it. I searched the web and could not find ONE review of this run at the Fox. Your comments convinced me to hang onto my tickets and have boosted my spirits again about the show.

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