
It’s not what you’re thinking.

dotBoom is a video podcast featuring puppets and is the brainchild of one Brian Hogg.

From the email he sent me:

Hey Seth,

I just came across your site, having done a search for Muppet mashup songs (the DjNoNo stuff was great!). I don’t know how appropriate or welcome it’ll be, but I’m deep into a self-promotional phase for a show I’m doing, and it’s got Muppet-style puppets in it, and you run a site called Mostly Muppet, so I figure I’ll take a chance and point you to:

It’s my webshow/videopodcast about a company of web designers, each of whom are puppets. I’m filming it with the help of a few puppeteers in the basement of my house, in Kitchener, ON, Canada. It’s a comedy, but somewhat adult, and so not particularly child-safe.

I hope you like it, and, again, apologies for any breaches of protocol my sending you the link might represent.

Keep up the great work on your site,
Brian Hogg

The site and the production quality are high and the stories, if you’ve worked in New Media, are pretty relatable.


I retort, you decline.

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