Separated at Birth: Murray Saul & S.D. Nemeth

I’m not going to compare the tale of the tape here – no heights, weights, eye colors, birthdates or such – just the audio tape.

Murray Saul is most famous for being an Ohio businessman, salesperson and for his appearances on WMMS 100.7 FM in Cleveland, Ohio. The ones where he’d scream “It’s Friday!”.

Here’s an mp3 featured on BoingBoing way back when.

For folks (like me) who grew up listening to the old 96 Rock in Atlanta, you’ll remember their usage of this audio in the late 80’s on through the 90’s.

Here’s a YouTube video (picture unrelated) of a similar “rant” delivered by Murray Saul:

Compare/contrast that audio with the character Bixby Snyder (portrayed by S.D. Nemeth) in the Robocop films. You’ll remember him as the “I’d buy that for a dollar” guy.

Here’s a video refresher and a little behind-the-scenes background (if you want to jump down that particular rabbit hole):

Judge for yourself whether or not these two are secretly the same guy or not.

And here’s some more background information on Murray Saul in case you’re interested.



I’ve been needing a push recently.

Needing to go outside to run and play.
Wanting to start something new but not knowing what to start or where to start it.
Wishing the stars would just align and get the ascension of damnation over with already, thank you very much.

The push has arrived, mid-back and with an overabundance of force, in the form of Hugh MacLeod’s new book, Ignore Everybody. His crazy deranged fools mailing list and twitter feed are culprits as well.

I’d charge them with assault if I didn’t like the jolt it gave me, popping me right back into the reality of following my creative urge. [Particularly pertinent cartoon to this effect today.]

Last Summer I wrote flash fiction in the form of Ficlet Friday. [Archives]
Last November I crossed the finish line of NaNoWriMo 2008.
Last year is over and this year is half done and what have I done?

So, thanks to Hugh and the always helpful/supportive/creative Will Hindmarch, I’m getting back on the writing train.

Finding an easy outlet (for me) to let my creative juices pool in places online.
Taking care of myself by doing instead of putting off until later (which never comes) when I’m “ready” or I have the “right” tools.
Lowering the barrier to my entry into the things that give me joy and vibrancy and meaning.

For the remainder of the Summer, Ficlet Friday is becoming Ficly Friday (due to the closing of the former/replacement of the latter).

I’m also going to start doing some random 140-characters-or-less poetry on Twitter using the hashtag #poetweet. I think this is practical, clever and productive.

Feel free to join me in either endeavor, if you’d like. We had a ton of fun last year doing flash fiction on Fridays and poetry on Twitter is (theoretically) easy. It makes a great canvas for haiku (nudge/wink).

Anyhow, I think this will be good for me. After a hiatus (too long for me) I’m ready to get back on the horse and start being creative again. Stop taking my inner voice for granted.

Cheers and thanks to both Hugh & Will!

The Birthday List

I never plan out my birthday – presents I want, places I’d like to visit, things I’d enjoy doing – and so my best birthdays have been the one where Jenn (who knows me perfectly) does the heavy lifting. See my 30th birthday recap for evidence.

Anyhow, since it’s a Friday and we’re less than a fortnight (that’s 2 weeks for those of you scoring at home) from #32, I thought I’d offer a (mostly) tongue-in-cheek list of things I want for my birthday.

Plus, I’ve done nothing but lists all week, so why change now?

  1. Crystal Head Vodka
  2. A glass skull as a bottle? Check.
    Dan Aykroyd as your pitch man/financial backer? Check.
    An 8-minute ad that reads like a Ghostbusters 3 viral video? Check.

    I *so* have to own a bottle of this stuff. For my birthday.

  3. A suit to make me look like Don Draper
  4. I’m completely harping on the topic of Mad Men, but since I’m going as Don Draper for Halloween, I need the suit.

    Here’s the interview that makes me love the character, the show and the actor, Jon Hamm, even more than I should: Jon Hamm, star of TV’s Mad Men, reveals the secrets of manliness in a postmodern world

  5. Console Wars Veteran – Pin
  6. I would never really pay €18.00 for this (or expect a loved on to do so) but I think I’ve earned an honorarium or some kind. Maybe a WoW action figure for my desk at work?

Other than these things (and some new headphones and a new iPhone case – both of which will be purchased this weekend) I couldn’t be happier.

I really don’t need more stuff in my life. I just want more time to be with the folks I love, taking advantage of all the stuff.

Happy Friday!

Ficlet Friday: Mellow Yellow

Today’s Ficlet Friday: Mellow Yellow

Things are not as rosy as they outwardly appear.

Mello Yello isn’t tasty or quick or good.
Mellow Yellow isn’t a smoked banana peel.
Mellow Yellow isn’t a euphemism for a vibrator.
Mellow Yellow isn’t the pallor of liver failure.

The Ficlet today is all about the quiet desperation, the smiling through clenched teeth and the pain of keeping it to yourself.

I want to write more – here and in the Ficlet – but recent forces of nature are conspiring against me.

Better to speak in code or, best, say nothing at all.

Truth will out. Eventually.

Until then, enjoy my first (only?) vaguely autobiographical Ficlet.

Ficlet Friday: Clyde Corrigan

Today’s Friday Ficlet, Clyde Corrigan, is my own little attempt at historical fiction.

Here’s some background on the real Douglas (Clyde) “Wrong Way” Corrigan.

Initially I had the story titled Juddson Corrigan. First, because a co-worker’s husband is named Juddson (he goes by Judd). Corrigan just seemed to flow naturally. After that I did some googling and got my inspiration.

I stayed in my same romance mindset, but here it’s unrequited love instead of fulfilled, romantic love. Something different. You know, for the kids.

I also struggled a bit with the name of the woman but got it straightened out. From there it was your standard write/prune/re-write process I’ve employed before.

Not my best effort but one I’m happy to share. In fact, I had another concept slip through my mind while drifting off to sleep last night contemplating Lost.

This is the stand-in. I’m less than happy I had to use “Cali” as shorthand or instead of “CA” but those are the challenges of the Ficlet.

Hope you enjoy it. Comment and rate, please and thanks.

And please read the most recent stories from Thomas, Rusty and Will!